Things I’d rather do

So I’m going to make another list. Sorry for all the lists this evening, but I am feeling listless (that was a knee slapper). Also I am trying to make up for not posting this weekend. And there is probably one more reason.

I am a huge To-do list person. I cannot function with a planner. I just get a notebook and write down all the things I have to do, so I can see them all on one page and I know what is required of me. I think the main reason I like lists is the feeling I get after I cross something off of one. Its that instantaneous burst of joy that is like “YESSSSSSSSSS! I’VE ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING!” I would almost even go as far as comparing it to the fridge feeling (see “My own Refrigerator”) except not as strong or lasting, because it is a fleeting feeling.

Anyway, I am probably making so many lists because I am ignoring my To-Do list which does not contain anything nearly as fun as what I am about to describe.

A List of all the things I would rather do than what I’m actually supposed to do.

My mom accused me of wanting to have fun 24/24 (yes she actually said that). When I told her that didn’t make sense, she said that she meant I wanted to have fun 24 hours out of everyday, which is 24 hours. She also said that I should be lucky if I get to have 1 hour of fun out of every 24 and that often times I should have no hours of fun because life sucks a lot of times and fun should not be expected. I gave her angry looks and went to have 48 hours of fun in every 24 hours. Take that fun-ruiner.

But I digress:

  • Listen to music and try to find new bands/artists to like
  • Dance around my room or house or just where ever
  • Go to dance class
  • Blog about things
  • Pretend to be working on the things I have to be doing
  • Text people that may or may not be my friends
  • Watch Glee, Saturday Night Live clips, Parks and Rec, 30 Rock or Family Guy on hulu
  • Read books (that do not pertain in any way to school)
  • Facebook
  • Watch movies
  • Go to the library and find fun/strange books and movies
  • Think about all the things I should be doing and plan on doing them very soon
  • Read the newspaper or magazines
  • Change the words to songs to make them funny
  • Make food (like cookies or cupcakes or anything microwavable)
  • Stare out the window
  • Look at old pictures
  • Make lists of all the things I should be doing and then think about doing them
  • Plan sleepovers and events with friends
  • Go to the movies
  • Go out to eat
  • Go to iyogurt
  • Make lists of things I’d rather do than all the things I’m supposed to actually do
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2 Comments on “Things I’d rather do”

  1. kingaaron Says:

    we’re pretty good at having fun 48/24 because we know that fun is deff. expected and life only sucks because of dragon ladies.

  2. Gloria Dolan Says:

    Your mom and I used to go out the bars and drink and party on the weekends. So enjoy life because pretty soon you’ll be old and crabby. Love you. Your Auntie Skinny

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